Sunday Stealing: The Community Meme
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. As a blogger, what do you draw inspirations from for your posts? In this case, I use what is on my mind and in my heart. When I am feeling an urge, I write a post. If I feel this way, I might as well share it and connect with someone else who has the same urges.
2. If you could swap blogs with another blogger for a post, who would you switch with and why? I love all the blogs I have recently found. I would love to swap with those who can truly express what I am feeling.
3. If your blog had a theme song, what would it be? Why? I guess I would have to think about that one.
4. What is your writing process for a post? Most of the time, my posts are written when I start feeling all this in my mind. Once I have thought about what I was feeling, I decide to write.
5. Your blog requires a cute, new, mascot - what would it be? I snow leopard... vicious yet slightly incognito.
6. Do you feel you express your "true self" on your blog? Yes, this blog shows people the true side of me. It shows people who I am and how I truly feel, inside, no matter what.
7. What is your biggest online pet-peeve? When people are rude. If you don't like a blog, don't read it.
8. If you could live in a fictional universe, where would you live? Why? Somewhere beautiful and flowing.
9. You're having a bad day, you're upset, you're angry, or you're sad - what is your go-to comfort? I want to sit down, have a glass of red wine, and just relax.
10. What is your favorite inspirational quote? I honestly don't have one.
11. If they were to make a movie based on your life, who would play you, your leading lady/man, your best friend, and your rival? I would love be able to answer this, but I am not sure. I would love to have Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock play me, they are awesome and beautiful. My best friend, I guess it would have to be someone quirky. My rival, not sure.
12. Do you think the world is going to end in 2012? Hasn't ended yet, why start now?
13. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? How I look on the outside. Just really can't appreciate what I see in the mirror.
14. What is your favorite season and why? I love fall - I love the change of the leaves and the colors. They are so warm and crisp.
15. You've been bitten by a vampire. Would you fight it with all your undead being or would you embrace it for all it is worth? I would embrace it, especially if I could be pretty, and find love, true or not.
16. Have you personally met any of your blogger friends? No, not yet.
17. What does your favorite pair of underwear look like? Black velour thong.
18. Have you ever drank something right from the container in the refrigerator knowing other people will have to drink out of the same container later? No... gross.
19. What is your favorite word and explain why? I love the word "erotic" - it sounds so sexy!
20. 2011 is soon coming to a close, is there anything you'd like to do different on your blog in the year 2012? I want to continue to express my true self and be who I am.
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